C.L: "Look at that big guy."
M.B.: "Look at that ass!"
P.H.: "All you need now is a surfer boy."
(12 year old boy walks by)
M.B.: "Here we go!"
L.F.: "Do you want some pineapple?"
M.B.: "No."
L.F.: "Yeah. It's not very good."
(Lindsey takes a break from dancing)
M.B.: "You can't handle my ass!"
M.B.: "gomgom."
Phil's Mom: "sit on your hands, Phil."
Mama Luckfeldt: "If you don't eat it all, there will be no sunshine tomorrow."
M.B.: "I'm the blackest person I know."
M.B.: "Aw yeah, wake up yeah!"
C.L.: "Here's the ocean, Psstt."
C.L.: "No way!"
S.M.: "Spring Break 2012."
C.L.: "Sex is like catching pokemon. You can collect it."
M.B.: "Tina, do guys in Sweden shave their armpits?"
T.W.: "You never know what you're gonna get. It's 50-50.
(raises arms) SURPRISE!:
M.B.: "Don't you just hate scabs."
C.L.: "The guys in prison have better toilet paper than us."
C.L.: "There are only two way I'm gonna die. Great Barrier Reef or Cocaine and sluts."
C.L.: "I was dancing naked in my room. They didn't appreciate it."
M.B.: "Look, it's shitting Nutella."
S.M.: "BJ at 60? That's cool."
P.H.: "Don't tickle me. I have diarrhea."
A.P.: "Show me the guy that can penetrate this rock solid ass."
A.P.: "Exxxxxxpelliarmussss:
C.L.: "Phil, can I come to your bed this night?"
P.H.: "If you want your butt fucked."
L.F.: "Those drindles look good."
P.H.: "Is that what they're called?"
L.F.: "Um, I just made that up."
S.M.: "That T-A-S-I. Tasi pussy."
M.B.: "There was a button on my bed and I kept pushing it, but nothing happened. It was a bottle cap."
S.M.: "The gender roles have changed. They're driving us to pick up strawberries. We're getting ice coffees and Lindsey and Megan are checking the oil."
(Chris almost runs over Phil while reversing)
C.L.: "I told you to stay in the car!"
(drives off)
A.P.: "You know how people go trick-or-treating? I go trick-or-slutting."
A.F.: "Suckis my cockis, slutis! It's a real quick scene."
A.F.: "What's that drink that's a man? Kool-Aid."
A.P.: "It's a little slut of a thing."
Mama Phelan: "Are you involved in a special religion?"
C.L.: "I'm too tall for this world."
A.P.: "You have to put your feet together like an elegant bird."
P.H.: "It's taking me!"
(Chris looks at hungry bird)
C.L.: "I know how you feel..."
Barbara: "They had sex!"
L.F.: "Get your feet off my pillow!"
M.B.: "It's not like it's a fart!"
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